Tuesday, November 15, 2005


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The brick it´s a hard block used for construction, a rectangular block of clay or a similar material that is baked until it is hard and is used for building houses, walls, and other large permanent structures.

The brick is compared with the stone because its resistance to the time and the fire. It is easy to transport, to produce and to put. Another characteristic of the brick is that it allows to isolate the heat and the sounds.

The bricks can be of different forms and sizes, depending on the use that is wanted to give to it, for example: for the columns are used the bricks with rounded faces and for a walls generally are used the bricks with squared faces...

The proportions between wide and the length of the modern brick usually are approx of 1:2, this with the purpose of allowing a wide variety of bonding patterns, for exam.

1 comment:

Daf said...

Very descriptive entry about bricks, Pedro :-)


In your opinion, ¿what is the better construction material?